PositiveSingles Review : A Safe Haven for People with Herpes

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Genital Herpes Support Groups Alabama


Navigating the World of Herpes Dating

PositiveSingles is an online dating platform that caters specifically to individuals living with herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It provides a safe and supportive environment for people with herpes to connect with others who share their experiences and build meaningful relationships.

PositiveSingles is the undisputed leader in the online herpes dating segment. This website has successfully brought together millions worldwide for fun, friendship, or long-term relationships. The site boasts over one million users who are actively communicating with each other. The sheer activity level makes PositiveSingles one of the best in this segment.

PositiveSingles.com has received positive reviews from various online publications and websites, including Forbes, CNN, and The Huffington Post. These reviews typically focus on the platform’s unique approach to online dating, designed to provide a safe and inclusive environment for individuals living with HSV and other STIs.

Many reviewers have praised the platform’s user-friendly interface and various features, such as chat rooms, forums, and a blog. The platform’s extensive search options and the ability to connect with other nearby members have also been highlighted as strengths.


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Premium Subscription Packages

Although basic membership of this site is absolutely charge–free, users are limited to creating a free profile, sending flirts, searching for a potential partner, and adding a few pictures. On the other hand, gold membership is required if you’re looking to send emails and instant messages and access advanced search options. The subscription charges for premium membership are stated as under:

  • 1 month: $33.99
  • 3 months: $69.99 
  • 6 months: $109.99 

Registered users of this site can also get a month of premium membership by offering valuable suggestions implemented on the site. Users can pay using a bank card, credit/debit card, or PayPal account at their convenience. Prices are subject to change. For updated subscription charges, check out the membership page on the website.


PositiveSingles is the forerunner in the Herpes dating segment. Since its inception in 2001, the website has grown in leaps and bounds. The website welcomes users worldwide, mainly from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.

As stated earlier, PositiveSingles allows users to register for free. Once you become a standard user on this site, you can create a comprehensive profile, add up to 26 pictures, and utilize the basic member search feature to find a compatible partner and check out the blogs and forum sections. In addition to this, users also have unrestricted access to sections containing information on herpes and its treatment methods. Users can also get a lot of information on herpes care locations to treat their condition in the best possible way.

The website also features over 60,000 success stories that have been posted by users who’ve been able to find their ideal match on this site. The website employs stringent anti-spam policies that keep scammers at bay, making this site highly secure. It also enables users to connect with other users fearlessly. New users can also enjoy the benefits of a free verification package worth $100, absolutely free of cost.

The STD counselor on this site is a great tool to help users resolve personal queries about sexually transmitted infections. A live dating advisor is available round the clock for helpful advice on Herpes dating.


Some benefits come along when infected persons decide to use positivesingles. First, there is less fear and an enhanced ability to talk about one’s condition. The talk between partners is a method of staying healthy for both. Secondly, helps one to get over the stigma mentality and have the confidence to interact with others. Thirdly, honesty and comfort come in when partners know of each other’s status and support each other. The fear of being rejected or not being in a relationship is gone. Other benefits include having an extended dating network and linking with long-term partners.

One common theme of PositiveSingles.com is the emphasis on privacy and security. The platform’s strict verification process and the option to remain anonymous until ready to disclose personal information have been praised as essential features for individuals living with HSV.

Features of PositiveSingles

PositiveSingles stands out not only as a dating platform but as a holistic community that prioritizes the well-being of its members. This section will delve into the various features that make PositiveSingles a comprehensive and supportive environment for individuals with herpes.

Profile Creation and Privacy Features

Creating a profile on PositiveSingles is a seamless and user-friendly experience that prioritizes comfort and confidentiality for its members. The platform recognizes the sensitivity of sharing information about one’s herpes status and ensures a supportive environment.

Members can provide detailed information about themselves, offering a comprehensive snapshot of their personality, interests, and preferences. Users can disclose their specific herpes type, promoting transparency and understanding immediately.

To enhance user control and privacy, PositiveSingles incorporates customizable settings. Members can adjust the visibility of their profiles based on personal comfort levels. This feature allows individuals to share information at their own pace, creating a secure space for self-expression without external pressure.

The platform further safeguards user privacy by introducing robust features such as photo blurring and anonymous browsing. Photo blurring allows members to selectively blur their images, granting them control over what aspects of their visual identity are revealed. Meanwhile, anonymous browsing ensures that users can explore profiles discreetly, creating an environment where individuals can authentically express themselves without fearing judgment.

Community Forums and Blogs

The essence of PositiveSingles is encapsulated in its dynamic community features, with forums and blogs standing as pillars of support and connection for its members. These elements transcend the conventional dating platform, transforming PositiveSingles into a comprehensive resource hub for individuals navigating life with herpes.

PositiveSingles’ community forums serve as vibrant spaces for open discussions, allowing members to share their experiences, seek guidance, and support others facing similar journeys. These forums provide a platform for candid conversations about living with herpes, fostering a sense of understanding and camaraderie. Members can engage in meaningful dialogues, exchange valuable insights, and find solace in the shared experiences of a supportive community.

Adding a personal touch to the platform, PositiveSingles’ blogs offer members a creative outlet to express themselves. Here, individuals can share their stories, challenges, and triumphs, fostering a deeper understanding of each other’s unique perspectives. By allowing for creative expression, blogs contribute to the platform’s sense of authenticity and community building.

These community features extend beyond traditional dating, creating a robust and supportive ecosystem. PositiveSingles becomes more than just a platform for romantic connections; it transforms into a community where individuals find companionship, understanding, and a shared strength in facing life’s challenges with herpes. The ensuing sections will further explore how these features contribute to the platform’s role as a haven for individuals seeking connection and support.

Live Counselor Service

One of the standout features of PositiveSingles is its Live Counselor Service, a unique offering that sets the platform apart. This service provides members access to certified counsellors who specialize in issues related to herpes and dating. The Live Counselor Service is pivotal in offering additional support and guidance, ensuring members have a resource for expert advice. This feature reflects PositiveSingles’ commitment to facilitating connections and prioritizing its community’s mental and emotional well-being.

PositiveSingles’ array of features extends beyond conventional dating platforms, creating an environment where members can comprehensively connect, share, and support one another. The following sections will further explore the user experiences and success stories that attest to the effectiveness of these features in fostering a genuine sense of community.


Overall, PositiveSingles provides a valuable service for people living with herpes who are looking for meaningful connections and relationships. Its focus on privacy, security, and support makes it a haven for people with herpes to find love and companionship. With premium membership starting at $1 per month, this is certainly not the most expensive Genital Herpes dating site, given the quality of features and the services it offers. If you are looking for an authentic Herpes dating service, this is worth checking out.
