Tips to start new relationship with herpes
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Tips to start new relationship with herpes

Dating life is hard when you have herpes. When you are diagnosed with herpes, the first question that comes to your mind is, will I ever find someone who understands me and truly loves me? But do not worry. These negative thoughts will only make the situation worse. Many people have found the love of their life even when they have herpes. Here you can find some tips for dating HSV singles. If you would like to connect with other people, then there is a herpes support group. With the help of such groups, you can meet people who are going through the same things and feel the same things as you. Continue reading to know more.

What to do after you are diagnosed with herpes?

First of all, do not feel depressed. The news will surely make you feel low. However, do not allow these feelings to continue. The outbreaks may be painful, but now there are many ways to treat them. You will learn to keep the outbreaks from becoming severe. Your doctor will help you, and you can also research on your own. You can learn to treat the symptoms, lessen the outbreaks, and not transmit the infection to others. These are some of the things you have to think about after the diagnosis. After this, if you feel ready to start a new relationship, the following tips will help you. 

Learn how to date with herpes

The issue is expected.

Today many people are aware of herpes. It has become a common issue, so people are slowly learning about it rather than staying away from it. You may think that people will be cruel to you; however, that will not be the case most of the time. If people found out that you have herpes, they will be kinder to you. They will not judge you. So do not prevent yourself from dating because of herpes and try to meet and talk with people to find a potential partner.

Stop underestimating yourself

Having herpes does not make you a different person. You may have many good qualities and talents, and that’s what makes you unique. So try to be confident and show the real you to your potential partner. They may fall in love with you if they find your character and personality attractive.

Be frank before becoming intimate.

 A lot of people with herpes find it difficult to reveal their condition to their partners. They may do not know the right time to do it. If you have the same question, the right time to share your herpes condition is before getting intimate. When you and your partner have decided to become personal, it becomes your responsibility, to be frank with them. Then after that, your partner needs to determine if they want to continue or not. Could you leave it to them to decide? You need not be embarrassed about telling the details because you are doing the right thing. Moreover, if the risk of passing the infection is low and you are taking therapy, share it with them.

Do not be overly anxious about risks.

Suppression therapy is known to reduce the risks of an outbreak and possible infection. So do not fear intimacy if you have herpes. Some ways will prevent the spread of disease. You can talk with an expert about it or learn it from herpes support group pages. You can take care to practice safe sex with your partner to prevent infection.

Know how to handle if your partner has herpes

If your partner also has herpes, then you both need to take some precautions before getting intimate. There are safe ways to become personal, so talk with an expert about it. Many herpes couples are happy in their relationship because they are following the proper safety procedures. Manage the risks and have a good conversation with your partner about it before going intimate.

Have a realistic mindset

If you have herpes, you will have experienced many rejections. But if you are new in the game, then expect that some people will reject you. But do not become disheartened because of it. You may find someone who likes you, as many people have seen. Do not stop because of some heartbreaks. Continue meeting people to find the one who will love you. You can try dating HSV singles who are searching for a suitable partner. Therefore have a realistic mindset and face the world with confidence.


These points will help you to have a good relationship with herpes. Sometimes it will be challenging; however, you may find someone who will understand you. You can get the help of a herpes support group to connect with people with herpes and receive encouragement and hope.